Thursday March 29, 2012

Test Studio for iOS

Telerik recently announced their new Test Studio for automated iOS application testing. I’ve played around with the beta a bit and I’m impressed with how easy it is to use. You build a library into your application (kind of like iCuke makes you do) and then you activate a “record mode” in your app and walk through your use cases. Unlike most other record and playback solutions I’ve seen, this one tries hard to keep from being brittle by letting you abstract your expected results and build tests out of sets of actions.

I think this is a good tool to have if your QA team wants record/playback testing. And it works great if you need beta testers to record how they are creating bugs. Personally, I’m more interested in well maintained, hand written scripts for tests because of the power it gives you to express your intent. Version control is more straightforward with written tests, too.

But I’m keeping this tool in mind.