Monday December 03, 2012

CocoaPods + Cocoa Controls = Slick Discovery For Third Party Libraries

Cocoa Controls is a great place to browse around and find libraries with all kinds of reusable goodies that can save you time in your iOS applications. CocoaPods is a great way to build and manage dependencies by automatically pulling libraries like these into your Xcode workspace.

Now, Cocoa Controls now lets you browse CocoaPods! You can see all the important details, like whether or not you need ARC, what platforms it works on, and the license. Aaron Brethorst, creator of Cocoa Controls, has other plans in the works to help with browsing and discovery, too. This is just the first step.

Also, thanks to Aaron for the shoutout. It was great to meet up with him at the Business of Software Conference and I’m glad my feedback was useful!